Monday, February 19, 2007

The Directors Eat!

Andrew Ingall of the Jewish Museum reported the following on the Director's dinner:

"On Saturday night, January 20, Joan Rosenbaum, The Jewish Museum’s Helen Goldsmith Menschel Director, invited NYJFF filmmakers to dinner at Josephina, across from the Lincoln Center Plaza. Guests included Gabrielle Antosiewicz (Matchmaker), Henry Meyer (Four Weeks in June), Gabriela Bohm (The Longing), Yoram Ivry (Family Matters), Zohar Lavi (Chronicle of a Jump), Kristi Jacobson (Toots), Lucy Kostelanetz (Sonia), Julia Kots (Naturalized), and festival staffers Andy Ingall and Aviva Weintraub. Topics of discussion included: the benefits of a formal film school vs. a self-taught education, audience response to one’s film in a Jewish film festival and a more general film festival, and the benefits of being part of a community of filmmakers."

Aviva Weintraub, Director, NYJFF

Left to right, Zohar Lavi (Chronicle of a Jump), Gabriela Bohm (The Longing), Yoram Ivry (Family Matters)

Julia Kots (Naturalized)

Gabrielle Antosiewicz (Matchmaker), Andrew Ingall (The Jewish Museum), Gabriela Bohm (The Longing)

"The wine was flowing and we had a wonderful time."

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